Anna’s affair with Vronsky was a desperate cry for recognition and a courageous rebellion against a life of imposed mediocrity. The landscape of 19th-century Russian aristocratic marriages often mirrored political and societal machinations more than personal...
In the constantly evolving tapestry of literature, modern poets emerge as the weavers of fresh patterns, threading new experiences with time-honored traditions. While many art forms have been challenged to adapt to the rapid pace of the 21st century, poetry has...
In the complex tapestry of Stendhal’s 1830 psychological novel “The Red and The Black” Julien Sorel emerges as a compelling study of ambition and cunning. The humble yet resourceful protagonist traverses the class-divided landscape of post-Napoleonic...
Poetry is a form of artistic expression used to explore the deeper meanings and emotions of life. To write a poem, use carefully chosen words and structures that manipulate meaning, sound, and rhythm to create images in the reader’s mind. While some poetic forms...
In ‘Romeo and Juliet’, a classic play by Shakespeare, we are invited into a tale of two ‘star-crossed lovers’ whose passionate and ill-fated love story has long been considered the epitome of romantic love. However, upon closer inspection, this...
Every poet has a distinctive style and voice. It is what sets them apart from others and lends an individualistic touch to their poetry. Yet, developing and refining this unique voice is a journey that requires both intuition and craft. It involves exploring various...
The following essays and opinion papers provide a modern interpretation of ‘The Scarlet Letter’ by Nathaniel Hawthorne which align with the spirit of the 21st century. Firstly, we will focus on the blatant double standards. Hawthorne presents Hester Prynne...
DigiLit (Digital Literature) is a genre of literature that is deeply entwined with the influence of digital technology, artificial intelligence, and internet culture. It extends beyond merely using digital tools for writing and explores narratives that are grounded in...
The Fireside Poets, a group of 19th-century American poets hailing primarily from the Northeast United States, left an indelible mark on American literary history. Comprising figures such as Henry Wadsworth Longfellow, John Greenleaf Whittier, James Russell Lowell,...
Poetry, a timeless and transcendent art form, has woven itself into the tapestry of human history, touching hearts and minds across generations and cultures. Despite its ancient origins, poetry remains a cherished and relevant medium that transcends boundaries and...
Love is one of the most celebrated and perennial forms of human expression, and poetry has been a timeless vehicle to express love for centuries. For those looking to explore romantic love, there are plenty of poetry books about love out there that curate words from...
In this section, we will embark on a journey through the best sad poetry books that have resonated with readers throughout the ages. These collections not only offer an insight into the intricate workings of the human heart but also provide solace and catharsis for...