Our Sailor Moon Galleries
Each Sailor has her Own Gallery!

Sailor Moon and all characters are copyright © 1992 Naoko Takeuchi/Kodansha
Those who have purchased rights include: TOEI Animation., DiC Entertainment, Kodansha, Bandai, and others.
Those who have NOT purchased rights from Naoko Takeuchi have no copyrights whatsoever.
Prose-n-Poetry claims no ownership of any of these Sailor Moon images.
They have been uploaded by our members and are archived here
as a public service to all true ‘Moonatics’
Gallery: Remless |
These Remless (also called Lemures when translated from Japanese) appear in almost every episode of the fourth season of Sailor Moon, Sailor Moon SuperS. They are minions of the Dead Moon Circus, and they fight against the Senshi, though they are easily defeated. The lemures of the Amazon Trio were called upon simply to hold off the senshi while the Trio searched for the Golden Dream Mirror; to stall for time. The lemures of the Amazoness Quartet were called upon to swallow the Dream Mirrors.
This gallery bio was taken in part from The Oracle: https://soul-hunter.com/sailormoon/. |