Hot Romance: Steamiest Romance Novels’ Excerpts by D. Rudoy In the panorama of literature, female desire offers a lens to evaluate societal evolution and cultural dynamics. From Victorian constraints to Modernist exploration, the portrayal of women’s...
Anna’s affair with Vronsky was a desperate cry for recognition and a courageous rebellion against a life of imposed mediocrity. The landscape of 19th-century Russian aristocratic marriages often mirrored political and societal machinations more than personal...
In the complex tapestry of Stendhal’s 1830 psychological novel “The Red and The Black” Julien Sorel emerges as a compelling study of ambition and cunning. The humble yet resourceful protagonist traverses the class-divided landscape of post-Napoleonic...
In ‘Romeo and Juliet’, a classic play by Shakespeare, we are invited into a tale of two ‘star-crossed lovers’ whose passionate and ill-fated love story has long been considered the epitome of romantic love. However, upon closer inspection, this...
The following essays and opinion papers provide a modern interpretation of ‘The Scarlet Letter’ by Nathaniel Hawthorne which align with the spirit of the 21st century. Firstly, we will focus on the blatant double standards. Hawthorne presents Hester Prynne...